Friday 17 May 2013

IU Day 2013

Take a boat ride to Bahamas!

To be a part of this whole thing is absolutely one of the best experience and i wouldn't trade anything for this. I was up 6 am and had to be there by 7 am to get the finishing touch ups and the mood in the air was good. Everyone was busy preparing and had to be open at 10 am. We sold a lot of things like bracelets,voodoo dolls,tie-dye shirts etc.And as for the food,oh gosh i cant imagine how ever did they come up with those amazing looking,wonderfully made foods. I can't tell you the menu because I sort of forgot what the name was.. But anyway it was good! I,on the other hand,got to try face painting! It took me a while to get use to it due to the paint being a little watery but never mind that.It turned out fantastic! In fact,a friend took a photo of me face painting someone's face.I have to admit it,i was engross to it.
Not that i am good at face painting,but it somehow makes me feel like an artist. Aren't I charming.
The models for my school looks stunningly gorgeous! And just everything about that event was amazing! The time and effort that we invested have finally brought us a fruitful outcome! It was a joy working with people like them.We bonded over the stay backs and just loving each other's company. Im really sure that my school's interact president,vice president and everyone in the interact club was overjoyed and were in tears when we found out we won overall.OVERALL.I mean,who can top that? 
It was our crowning glory and hopefully many more to come.

Thursday 16 May 2013

Mother's Day 2013

This year,i have decided to make my mom something for mother's day.Although Mother's day is not an official holiday or whatnot, it's not wrong to celebrate.Plus i think she should know that she is loved and appreciated.
I have been thinking of what to get for her.My ideas have been around since last year but i never really put a start to it.So this year,I was determined to get it done.No matter how big or small the job is.
To me,it's not the thought that counts(okay,maybe yeah,sure a little) but it's the effort that counts. Luckily for me, i love making things.So i have decided to make her a chocolate dipped marshmallow and a mother's day card.

it's really easy!all you need is:
2.semi-sweet chocolate(i bought dark chocolate because the shop ran out of semi-sweet)
3.sprinkles or white chocolate(this is alternative)

first cut off as much chocolate as you want(depends on how much marshmallows you're dealing with),place it in a microwave-safe bowl and place it in the microwave for 30 seconds.Then mix it well.put in the microwave again for 30 seconds.repeat the steps until the chocolate is melted.
 Then,use a fork to hold the marshmallow(i use my hands haha) and dip it gently in the it in a freeze paper(i use a plate oh gosh im bad).while it's still drying,add sprinkles on top to give a little decoration.
you can just serve it like just like that but since it's a gift,i place it in a jar.

i made a simple tag and wrote something behind it.Also,if you want,you can dip that whole fat good-lookin' marshmallow instead of half like mine.