Sunday 18 August 2013

The night is young

I've never eaten out for dinner with my friends probably because it's dark and all the bad people come out at night so anything could happen.But now that i'm finally 17 i feel that my parents have implanted their trust on me that i can take care of myself and considering that i am a 'big girl' now they have cut me some slack and have set me free from strict rules!I'm kidding. I still get a 'no' from them and i still need to study every second of the day if possible.But,i doubt that.i laze around on my spare time and hardly ever hit the books.Which is BAD! because this year,my senior year,my last year of high school,I have to take an exam that will qualify me to go to college.And not just any college,a good college that produce quality students and at this time around,i should be struggling and studying to the extreme but what am i doing? That's right, I'm not where I'm suppose to be.I honestly feel like i'm not taking the exam this year.I feel so numb.
    But enough about that,last June,I ate out for dinner with three of my other friends.It was sort of like a farewell dinner and a get together dinner.It was for Sherry because she will be leaving to Penang to further her studies so why not spend the last night eating together right? All of us didn't know where to eat so we rounded the whole of Lintas and finally decided to try something new. The place was called 'Hungry People'. How cliché (not sure if i used it correctly haha). 


Then later we went to 'Just Berry's' for our desserts. I forgot what's the name of the desert i chose but i know for a fact it has mangoes and i am a total sucker for mangoes.Give me a basket full of mangoes and i will love you. 
It was a cool girl's night out.