Wednesday 1 January 2014

New Year, 2014

Decisions are always hard to make especially someone like me..ha ha. I take a long time deciding and still having doubts of my final decision. I don't know what to expect this year but what I do know is that I have to learn to be independent. Not that I have not,it's just that the fact that I have just finish my high school,who knows what might come next.
   2013 was definitely an amazing year for me. It was,I don't know,balanced. Equal. I felt everything in between and truthfully, I'm glad that errors occur,that I was dubious,that there are arguments which are inevitable. It helped me learn and grow,I guess.
   Two years ago(wow I can't believe it),I was spending my new year's eve at home while my mom went with her friends,and so did my dad with his. So it was just me and my brother. I didn't really feel sad for myself though, because I knew that I will be taking my SPM in 2013 so I was already freaked out inside. But last year(it was just yesterday lol),I get to spend new year's eve with my friends. Too bad I have no pictures with me but there are a few on my friend's phone. And then I went over to my family's close friend's house to countdown the new year. There, I ate again. I was stuffed! I imperceptibly went over to the table to get some food,how classy.
   Anyway, decisions are really hard for me to make,and they probably always will be. It's not always wrong to turn to a close friend when you're in need and that's exactly what I did. We talked about it and continue to deliberate on my so called 'issue'. Of course before talking to anyone, I prayed to God first. I'm constantly searching for reasons of why I should and should not make that decision. My mind tends to run wild with ideas of what could possibly happen and what I might encounter.
   So I guess I should be telling you guys this,my aunt manage a shop in KL and she asked my dad whether I want a job there or not. I kept thinking about it,of what might happen if I chose to take it,and if I chose to not. Well guys,before you jump into any conclusions, let me tell you that it is a temporary job. Until my results are out. So that means three months in KL. Also, it is not exactly an ideal type of job. I mean it's just a shop where I'm going to work. And I know you don't hear this kind of thing very often but I guess there's no harm in trying new things. It's exciting yet horrifying at same time. I'll probably won't be blogging so much now but I will try to update as much as I can.

the parents

as annoying as he is, I still love him. and yes,if you have not know yet,my brother has curly hair. so much for trying to rock it.
also,my baby hair have to stop showing. 
And in hopes that we will grow,learn and love fully and wholeheartedly.For it is then that we will be able to have the joy of life. I hope all of you will have a splendid new year. Till next time! x