Wednesday 29 February 2012

hit em up

since i've never posted any pictures,i feel like i need to because you know,it just look so dull without pictures.

went camping on Chinese new was nice to get away from all the hustle and bustle in the city and just enjoy the breeze and peace in kaiduan.i miss that place.
our youth shirt

sweets! and that one cracker.
ya anyway,i din't follow the marching competition because i dont know,i never heard from them so..
the holidays are coming and it's a good time for me to catch up all that i've i can be in the same pace as everybody.but every time i say to myself that i am going to study for real,i never did. I never do's always in my mind but on the outside i never seem to care. weird.

i personally love this song. it's just good.

Tuesday 28 February 2012


as usual,i'm late for soon as the bell rings,i was the first one who was late and boy were the prefects on time.and not like any other day,today a lot of students were. it was a long line of blue and white uniforms in the hallway. got to be honest, going to school late was my kind of time and i'm used to it and it's weirdly much better since i don't have to sit down in the hall with no chairs and the heat around the hall,it's killing me. Luckily today, i din't have to do any work like throwing the rubbish or water the plants and stuff like that. Actually we were suppose to but when the prefects asked all of us to go the other hallway,all of us went back.just like And i have always been late, i don't know any other excuse that i can think of. i've tried making it different all the time,to make it look more convincing,but i think the prefects have known by now.

Monday 27 February 2012

without exception

have you ever been forced to do something you don't like to do?i'm sure we all have and i'm not over exaggerating about me being force or basically had no choice but to follow kawad in school. the competition is in less than two days and the girl guide have just started practicing and i don't know about them but the last time i followed kawad was when i was in primary school. my friends and i literally had no choice since there's only a few who joined in. And it was terrible. Today the seniors thought us a few basics and of them was shouting at us that we need to be alert and have to give our all.I mean hello?we just started our first ever practice a few minutes ago and now you want to yell at us? no me gusta. i skipped class just to be yelled at?hah. no way. I'd rather study Bm than listen to some girl complaining that we ain't good enough.


so this is my first post and i'm hoping that this time this blog will be updated and can stay longer than the blog i had before which was 4 years only lasted less than a month.what can i say.i was young and had no idea how to run a blog.hopefully this time around i can update this blog as much as i can. and i think i will because it's now part of my to achieve list.yay!