Tuesday 28 February 2012


as usual,i'm late for school.as soon as the bell rings,i was the first one who was late and boy were the prefects on time.and not like any other day,today a lot of students were. it was a long line of blue and white uniforms in the hallway. got to be honest, going to school late was my kind of time and i'm used to it and it's weirdly much better since i don't have to sit down in the hall with no chairs and the heat around the hall,it's killing me. Luckily today, i din't have to do any work like throwing the rubbish or water the plants and stuff like that. Actually we were suppose to but when the prefects asked all of us to go the other hallway,all of us went back.just like that.lol. And i have always been late, i don't know any other excuse that i can think of. i've tried making it different all the time,to make it look more convincing,but i think the prefects have known by now.

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