Monday 16 December 2013


  I was able to attend a wonderful event that Ariel had invited me to.It was a fun night though I would be lying if I told you I hadn't made a fool of myself at one point.Since I was a guest there,I was given a simple role to play by while Ariel had gotten her role beforehand.So that night,I was apparently a flapper. It would be really hard to tell based on what I wore that night.But anyway I was a flapper and everyone who had attended the event were given an envelope and the contents were the objectives for the night. One of the many objectives that I got was to tell a girl(the main character,i assume) that in order for her to be with the guy,she had to fight with him,and honestly,I had never acted in my life before.Maybe I have for my English work but that didn't count. This,however,I was making my own dialogues and trying to persuade people in believing in me and that I have information about the murderer.I was in character. I was on a role! Haha, get it?no?
   Basically,that was what I'm suppose to do and we were all suppose to be in character the whole night. We were suppose to find out who the killer is. With that being said,yes,somebody was shot that night(not literally,obviously) and we had to find out who murdered the guy. It was really interesting as far the event goes because I had never attended this kind of event.

 Meet Dina Diva

Jessica,the best actress
Ariel won Best Dress! Isn't she gorgeous

Nathan,the best actor
When else can we ever be young again.

Friday 6 December 2013

6th December 2013

Today is the 6th day of December and I'm beginning to feel the Christmas spirit already.In every mall I went,I can see Christmas decorations hanging all over the place in uniform.The Christmas lights twinkle every now and then,the big red bow,and let's not forget Santa. He was all over the place too.I went out today with my dad and my brother and we ate in Pizza Hut.It's been a while since I last ate pizza and it sure did bring me satisfaction.I ordered a personal pan pizza and just 1 slice of it I was already full!That was a first.I usually eat like 3 large slices of pizza.So being the girl I am,I didn't waste my other 3 slices of pizza. I asked the waiter kindly to wrap it up for me so I can bring it back home to eat while watching a movie.
  Speaking of movies, I have been watching movies the entire day for 3 days in a row.Heck,I even slept at 2.45 a.m after the movie finished.And that was the latest time I had ever gone to bed.Ever.In my life.And to my surprise,I did not feel sleepy.So the next day I woke up at 7 in the morning because my mother woke me up to worship.Then after that,I figured I should lie down for a while because that's what I normally do when I wake up early and usually get up 5-10 minutes after to have my breakfast.I guess that day was special because I didn't wake up after.Instead,I woke up at 11 a.m.Again to my surprise,I did not feel dizzy.It was a quaint day.
Anyway,I was really happy that my dad brought me out today.I get to feel the sunlight on my skin and to breathe in the crispy air.To see other faces,unfamiliar faces.
So while my brother and my dad went to buy some shoes,I was already bored after going in to the first shoe shop.They went again because my dad wanted to buy a shoe for himself.I had to go.I had to go somewhere or else I'll die out of boredom.So I went to a book shop to have a look on what they're selling.Remember when I told you that I love meeting someone coincidentally? Well,that happened again.I couldn't believe it,imagine if I didn't go to the book shop. Imagine if I just went along with my dad to another shoe shop(well,not technically a shoe shop,more of like a department store). I wouldn't meet my friend from high school.So we chatted for a while,catching up with each other's life.
  It has been ages since I last bought a book.I love reading and I guess with what is going on this year,I had only spent a tiny fraction of my time reading novels.I was overjoyed when I found books that were sold in a cheaper price than usual.

Both of the books were published a long time ago but I guess for me,it's always nice to read any book that captures my attention and the ones that had been starring at me,and I at it,like I was destined (lol) to buy it.I hope those two books will be wonderful and I hope I could buy more books,I need to do something on the holidays,right? I can't just watch movies all day,but eventually I know I will get sick of it.So I guess reading a book will be refreshing and nice.
 Also, I don't know much about a hole puncher,or how much of it I should know of,but I had been wanting to buy a one hole punch since end of last year,and I haven't got around with it and finally,I was able to find it in the book shop.Waiting for my brother and my dad did bring me good results,haha. The thing is,I went to the same exact book shop to look for it this whole year and I just didn't see it. I had overlook the section where they place all the staplers and whatnot. Lo and behold,my one hole puncher!

Works like a charm.I have few crafts on my mind that I am  planning to do with using this.
It looks really cool.I was expecting a more plastic kind of material,the colored ones,but I found this and I was even more thrilled because it looks really complex.
Hope all of you have a great holiday!

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Surprise Ariel

  It was a rather coincidental day when Ariel was given a surprise birthday party on the 13th of September.It's pretty normal.Except it was on Friday,the 13th. Yeah,talk about coincidence.Some of her friends had planned it out for her and had invited me to the party. It was held in Sailor's and it was my first time going there. The food was great,I love the fries they served when I ordered fish&chips. Me and Rhiannon had extra time to shop for her gift together before the party started.We thought we would be late for the party because we spent a lot of time looking for the right gift,but turned out we were one of the people who were early,didn't expect that at all.

It was a lovely night and I enjoyed talking to some people.I wasn't able to stay in time for the cake serving because I had to leave early. Ariel wasn't officially 17 till the next day,but I guess she already felt 17 that night.