Thursday 1 January 2015

Hello, 2015

 2014 has definitely been a year filled with confusion and being lost. But what makes life life is that, we can't really make everything happen the way we want it to be, because life has to be unpredictable. And to be honest, every downfall and every happiness I have encountered link and connect to each other, in the most oddly beautiful way. ( It really seems like it, not kidding) God really knows how to make a life in every living soul.
I'm also really thankful for the people who have stood by me during my rocky times. I genuinely have no idea what life would be like and how in the world would I go through 2014 if it weren't for my friends and family. My best friend, Rhian has been coping up with my endless (self-)doubt(s) and worries, boy problems (let's be real here, this happens almost every year) and dumb blonde moments. Although we don't see each other every day like we use to, it's always a joy to meet her when she's back in town. We would have endless stories to tell although sometimes we do enjoy sharing silent moments together HAHA. And to my close friends in church (you know who the 6 of you are) who have always, always took good care of me, loving me regardless.

     It was not a bad year, my relatives from the Philippines and Thailand came here to Malaysia to pay us a visit and I met my childhood friends when I went to Penang and Tawau. 
It is without a doubt a year full of surprises, full of anticipation and full of life decision-making. 
I overlooked the happiness because what came of me was something I should have never even put in to account. With that being said, I am definitely looking forward to this year, to more tougher challenges, stepping out of my comfort zone, unexpected life journey and more genuine happiness.

     So cheers to the end of 2014, and to the beginning of 2015 :)

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