Friday 29 May 2015

Little bits

        I had been very busy last semester without me even knowing that I was much busier than my first semester, but I'd rather not talk about my studies in this post entry. I would like to bring up about how I've been doing. They are two different things. I just might have the answer now when people ask, "How are you?" 

        I have been telling people my story about my driving test, or rather, my whole experience in the driving institute and I am pretty sure it bore them out already, my bad. But in the end, I pass my driving test. Believe it or not, I wasn't jumping up and down when I heard it. Instead, I felt the weight on my shoulders been put off, that this whole thing is over. That I don't have to step in the driving institute anymore (I did anyway, because I had to get my license done a few days later), that I won't have to be up early Sunday morning for my driving lessons and that it's just finally over. What a relief.
       My New Years Resolution did blew up on me, or I blew up my New Years Resolution. I ticked off a few from the list already (which I am proud of) but I didn't make an entry (at least) each month for my blog. This was on the list. Regardless of this matter, I am still keen to complete my New Years Resolution. Needless to say, I have yet to screw it.
        I have two weeks of my semester break and I am definitely maximizing my time to full use. It's been quite awhile since I cherished my holiday. I had been hitting the books before the holidays and I barely go out on weekdays. So, to reward myself, I will put this holiday to good use (I hope). This past couple of weeks, I have had an unhealthy eating habit. Guilty as charge, I may have had a small ounce of intent to eat unhealthily. Nevertheless, I do make it up for it, though it was never suffice, never enough to outweigh the cons. 
        It has been ages since I last wrote. Ideas or anything at all never seem to appear in my mind whenever I want to write. It's like I'm pulled back by my own waves. Always a shout to the void, and sometimes it's to my pillow-  like it's vague, and all I'm left are words that I can't put together. 
Maybe someday, I would, I hope.
        Ariel and I had finally out our plans to action when we went to Tanjung Aru and give free cookies around the are. The sun was scorching hot but we gave out all 20 packets of cookies (4 in each). It was a random act of kindness we wanted to do and with that being said, we have a bunch of plans we want to do this year. I'll keep you guys an update about this. 
        Just wanted to let you guy know with what's going on although this is just a few of what had happened in the course of five months. When you actually come to think of it, five months is not as short as you think it may be. A lot of in-between's and running for errands. I will be sure to update my blog anytime I'm free, till then! x 

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