Tuesday 30 June 2015

Changing rhythms

        How is everyone doing so far? This month for me had been both a blessing and a misfortune one. It all happened so fast that sometimes, I just need a breather. I know, we don't usually put the word 'blessed' and 'misfortune' in the same sentence. But to think that life is all sweet and good? Well, I beg to differ. Everyday just doesn't seem to be your everyday life anymore. You keep an ounce of kindness and a dose of grudge; I hate having to contradict myself but what's life if you're not sugar and spice? What's life if your not yin and yang? I'm not trying to persuade anyone into thinking that it's not okay to like him/her back, even if he/she doesn't feel the way you feel, that it's not okay to keep on asking yourself who in the world smashed your car window, that it's not okay to fail a subject; what I'm saying is, I believe we need to control what we feel and how we feel; to forgive ourselves and accept what has happened. I think it's only best if we attempt to try; and only then will we be zen. ( I think I just rhymed) And everyone must be thinking, "Oh, it's easy for her to say. They're just mere words, anyway." No, I think I can pretty much say that I've been through quite a handful of situations and problems; not that I am being presumptuous or whatever, but be honest with me, have you been living the glitz and glam life all the time? I guess we all have our own experiences and I don't think we would want to trade it with anyone else's.
        Setting that aside, my birthday this year had been the most blessed one so far, I think I can speak for my brother too. It was my brother's 21st birthday; lo and behold he got a surprise birthday party! Mom is always full of surprises; she called out a few of my brother's friends to celebrate his special day of turning 21. In case you didn't know, I share the same birthday as my mom. But the day before my actual birthday, I got a surprise from three of my lovely friends. They're just amazing; I was sitting on the dining table, emailing, when I heard people singing the birthday song, I turned around; and tada the 3 of them were coming towards me with a cake. I was in tears, and I didn't care that I was emotional at that time, I was just happy that it all happened. I didn't mind the few company, it was suffice, adequate. Of course, they called my dad first if they can crash in my house for the day; so it's a no brainer that my dad was in it, too. The next day in church, the youth sang happy birthday to me, like 2 times. I felt so loved I just didn't want the day to end. Dinner was also great; Japanese food is fantastic.