Tuesday 27 March 2012

orange tuesday

after school my dad sent me to the clinic again.its like i have been taking four different kinds of cough medicine  already for the past few weeks and i still dont get it why im not healed yet.plus i have been getting a little headache (I know right im only 15 and a half and i have headache.its like i have tons of problems yet to be solved). and i dint go for interact club.i feel bad for not going but im sure to make it up to them by going this Thursday,if there is. 
and by the way,it has been really hot and i can't focus on studying and heck,even doing anything at all. even i sweat at night.and i dont normally sweat at night(of course,who does?) on a regular basis but i can feel it crawling in under my shirt.really the ozone layer is not thickening by the day.and yes i most probably have something to do with it.and so do you. lol anyway,my add maths homework keeps growing and i have just successfully completed one small chapter of it.bye.

Sunday 25 March 2012

little one

yesterday after church my mom decides to bring little ara back home to have lunch together.you're probably thinking my mom kidnapped her.haha no.Ara's mom din't mind and said it's okay. it's fun having a little kid running around the house since i dont have a little brother or sister of my own.anyway,she knows how to take pictures and get a make-up and all.she is advance!she's so adorable and sometimes a little hard to take care of.hehe she gets pretty hyper at times.

anyway last night my mom and i went to an indian restaurant for dinner and my,indian foods are so delicious!they have the best food anyone can offer. before arriving there i was already hungry and when the aroma of the chicken tandoori went in to my nostrils my stomach grumbled.and the garlic naan, don't even get me started.it tastes so good and i usually dont eat garlic,but this made me love garlic!the chicken tandoori was the highlight of the dish and after squeezing lime over it, it tasted 2365487  times better!i mean you guys should totally try it!ugh even talking about it makes me hungry.

Friday 23 March 2012

dancing grasses

 i've been craving for junk foods since last week.i manage to get one yesterday and it wasn't enough.so i had this hot stuff and i ate it all in less than twenty minutes.darn i have to start eating healthy.i guess you can say i have high metabolism that's why i don't get fat easily.and it's probably in the genes. BUT,i still need to be careful of what i eat.

anyway,i almost fell asleep during maths class.i mean,i was just under the fan and a little to the left and it was cold and i can easily fall asleep but then i remember every time someone slept during maths class,the teacher will wake you up in front of everybody and ask you to go and solve a mathematical question on the whiteboard which obviously they wont know since they're asleep.you can feel the shame.i guess that's what you get for sleeping way past your bed time.
oh and i got my period today but it din't hurt as much like it use to.whenever i get my period,my stomach curls up and its soooo pain and i can just lay down in bed and cover myself up with blanket.

yes!i finally achieve something this week.like words can't even describe this feeling.or maybe im just over reacting.since i always come late to school and having my name written in the..book that the prefects use to write students name and stuff,so i am happy with myself.i manage to not get my time schedule all unorganized.

Friday 16 March 2012

too much to take in

my mind is occupied with things that are unnecessary and i can't even think of what to write about.i feel like i have been disconnected with the world and when i want to write something,my brain just shuts off.and every time i try to post,i feel like i'm being judged or commented on.like every single detail of my life is being judged by human beings.i just feel like i'm lack of inspiration and i cant dig deep in to my thoughts. Instead,i just sit here,eyes locked on the screen of the laptop,not knowing what to do or think.and sometimes,sitting down for a long time is a lot painful than it looks like.some days,i just feel like lying down in bed so my legs can rest. i've been sitting my butt down in front of the laptop for days trying to figure out what to do and now it seems like the internet is not a very entertaining place for me anymore.facebook and tumblr and all,i'm just tired of it.and after watching running man ( i sorta did like a marathon for it for the past 3 days), i have no idea what to do next. and homework is definitely not part of my list. i'm just wasting my time with loads of crap that has nothing to do with my life.

Thursday 1 March 2012


Ariel gave me this pen from Taiwan

something about today made me realize that my life was just a passing through.Like I just go through the day without accomplishing something or feel something or the fact that i was just another person heading nowhere.maybe it was literature.make sense?not at all.And i've been trying to do my homework but i don't know where to start.so i think that's why i've been postponing it over and over again.nyeh,oh well.
Anyway,my best friend Judith lend me her cd 'Madae's big happy family' and it was hilarious!i'll post a scene from it next time.