Sunday 25 March 2012

little one

yesterday after church my mom decides to bring little ara back home to have lunch're probably thinking my mom kidnapped her.haha no.Ara's mom din't mind and said it's okay. it's fun having a little kid running around the house since i dont have a little brother or sister of my own.anyway,she knows how to take pictures and get a make-up and all.she is advance!she's so adorable and sometimes a little hard to take care of.hehe she gets pretty hyper at times.

anyway last night my mom and i went to an indian restaurant for dinner and my,indian foods are so delicious!they have the best food anyone can offer. before arriving there i was already hungry and when the aroma of the chicken tandoori went in to my nostrils my stomach grumbled.and the garlic naan, don't even get me tastes so good and i usually dont eat garlic,but this made me love garlic!the chicken tandoori was the highlight of the dish and after squeezing lime over it, it tasted 2365487  times better!i mean you guys should totally try it!ugh even talking about it makes me hungry.

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