Tuesday 27 March 2012

orange tuesday

after school my dad sent me to the clinic again.its like i have been taking four different kinds of cough medicine  already for the past few weeks and i still dont get it why im not healed yet.plus i have been getting a little headache (I know right im only 15 and a half and i have headache.its like i have tons of problems yet to be solved). and i dint go for interact club.i feel bad for not going but im sure to make it up to them by going this Thursday,if there is. 
and by the way,it has been really hot and i can't focus on studying and heck,even doing anything at all. even i sweat at night.and i dont normally sweat at night(of course,who does?) on a regular basis but i can feel it crawling in under my shirt.really the ozone layer is not thickening by the day.and yes i most probably have something to do with it.and so do you. lol anyway,my add maths homework keeps growing and i have just successfully completed one small chapter of it.bye.

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